Friday, February 16, 2007

For the love of hats and step-ladders

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New PJ's

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Ryan, my swim coach

Da Da, you are a boat, do you want to be a long boat or a short boat?
Long boats are fast boats. It's like you're a canoe, how do yo paddle a canoe?
Short strokes or long strokes? Ok, you're a boat, do you want to be a yacht or a barge?
The secret is on your side, and don't forget to swim downhill.
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Don't talk baseball with Ryan

American League West? Please! Have you ever stood in Fenway? Smelled the grass? and another thing, don't over-estimate Johnny Damon's importance, the guy is nothing, nothing i tell ya. Not since Yaz has there been anybody, anybody who ... hey, have you seen my noonie?
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Vet School Open House

Here are some shots from the Vet School Open House, Ryan and i learned that although most cows smell bad on the outside, Hildie, the fistulated cow, allows you to learn how bad she smells on the inside too.
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