Wednesday, March 29, 2006

mmm...solid food

Here they are, new Ryan photos with our old camera. They may not look too good because we can't turn the flash on or control the zoom, but aside from that, the photos were ok. For more new Ryan photos, check out Aunt Karen's blog.

turn on your heartlight

When your dad has hair like Ken Follett, it should be expected that yours would look like Neil Diamond.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ryan B-Sides

Ok, here they are, not exactly factory seconds, just Ryan B-Sides, previously unreleased and worth a mint on e-bay.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mardi Gras Parading

These might be the last photos we post for a little while because our beloved Optio is on the fritz. They're from Ryan's first Mardi Gras Parade, the no-holds barred Port Allen Parade which we didn't photograph (whoops!). Ryan was having a great time or so we thought. He was busy checking everything out, when a float came through blaring it's sound system, when we turned around let's just say he was "Ready to LEAVE! NOW NOW NOW!".