Friday, September 30, 2005

Silly Baby Tricks

Well, yesterday David and I went to our 37 week appointment with our wonderful OB, Dr. Hedges, who is about three years younger than us and very cool. She's having a baby the month after we are. When the nurse went to check the baby's heartbeat, it registered just 115 beats per minute, which is about 10-15 beats below what it should be. Now, I've been working out throughout this pregnancy and expect this kid to be in pretty good shape. But, at this stage of the game, a low heart rate isn't a good thing. So we trundled over to another room and the nurse hooked me up to this seatbelt like contraption for a fetal nonstress test, where we could watch Ryan's heartrate for a good 15-20 minutes or so. His heartrate went up and down like he was doing intervals, which is good. The doctor said he was probably just lying on his umbilical cord or something. But all looks good. So David and I had our first parental scare. That little rascal!

So now we are playing the waiting game. David went to Babies R Us solo the other night to get the remaining supplies, such as a car seat, which is pretty darned important, since they won't let you leave the hospital without it. It was a pretty funny scene, I imagine, David walking around Babies R Us with a list, buying a wipe warmer, a "My Brest Friend" breastfeeding pillow and a few outfits for his strapping new son. I asked him to get some newborn gowns for Ryan, and he was very concerned that they not look "girlie." So Ryan has some great new gowns with cars and trucks on them. Hey, if a kid has to wear a gown, he can at least do it with some dignity, right?


Blogger David Alexander said...

I was good when the clothes were labeled "0-3 mos" and "3-6 mos" but when i got to "Layette" I thought i'd taken a wrong turn and was now in cajun country.

8:09 AM

Blogger Taylor said...

Carrie and I are so excited for you guys. I wish we could see you two before hand! But we'll definitely see you all at Thanksgiving.

Babies R' Us is a crazy, crazy place. I've only been there once. As Carrie will attest to, I think baby clothes are way cool. I have a thing for buying people little preppy baby outfits.

And when I say people, I mean babies, because otherwise it would just be weird and freaky.

11:31 AM

Blogger Carrie said...

This is true, both about the excitement and that Taylor likes to buy preppy baby clothes.

If your son doesn't have a sweater vest by Christmas, there's a good chance he will after we come to town.

11:40 AM

Blogger David Alexander said...

You guys are killing me, that is hilarious. :)

I understand the allure of miniaturized preppy clothes. I bought Ryan his first pair of cords the other night.

6:11 AM

Blogger David Alexander said...

Also, it will be great to see you all at Thanksgiving. Can't wait...

6:12 AM

Blogger Amy Alexander said...

Yes, I visited the Ralph Lauren section of Dillard's and thought how cool it will be to dress Ryan like his Daddy. David says fashion hit its all-time sweet spot in the 1993 J. Crew catalog. Why change a thing?

9:42 AM


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